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Stream and Fundraising Toolkit

 For Guardian Games Cup 2023 we have created three new and exclusive overlays to use during the event. There is a unique overlay for each class: Titan, Hunter, and Warlock. Rep your class in style!

Click THIS LINK HERE to access the overlays. Instructions to configure your overlay are below.



We have several toolkits available for use during the event:

  1. Guardian Games - Containing artwork, rewards, and stream assets
  2. International Rescue Committee - Toolkit from our friends at the IRC containing useful facts and details about their mission and stream assets
  3. Direct Relief - Toolkit from our partner Direct Relief with a variety of stream assets, photos/videos, and  details about their global impact.

Overlay Configuration

  1. Click THIS LINK to access your overlay.
  2. Select your fundraising page type. For details on the different types click HERE.
  3. Enter your full fundraising page URL. This can be found by logging in to your account and selecting "Your Page" or "Team Page" on the top menu ribbon. Be sure to select the corresponding page to match the overlay selection.

  4. Select the class type for your overlay: Titan, Hunter, or Warlock.
  5. Click "Copy your overlay link" to retrieve your link.
  6. Enter the copied link into your streaming software such as OBS or Twitch Studio